Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Team Whitney will be posting news, photos, and videos from the 2008 AKC Agility Nationals on this blog.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck Tom! We'll be rooting for you; please keep us in the loop with play by play details of the event. Go TEAM!

Millie & Shasta

Tom said...

Millie and Shasta turned Team Whitney onto Blogspot. We hope to do them justice despite the embarrassing fact that our blog is still (as they say) under construction.

Channan said...

Good luck Team Whitney!

Just an FYI, I'm a very demanding blog reader so I expect frequent updates :)

Channan, Foster, Apollo and Icon

Tom said...

We're off to Tulsa. Minor crisis last night when our laptop hideously crashed. Ann performed some magic this morning; and (the day after Easter), it has risen from the dead. Who said the age of miracles is over? We are jumping in our rented Honda Odessey and headed to Kingman AZ

Unknown said...

Have a safe journey Team Whitney!
and good LUCK! Can't wait to hear all the exciting details!

Nancy,Chili,Lexi,Tucker and Maggie are all rooting for you!

Tom said...

Tonight, after a 10 hour drive, we have arrived at a Best Western in Kingman Arizona. We have officially entered the land of the free breakfast buffet. Whitney has been incredibly well behaved over the long drive. We have scouted out a local track where Ann can run tomorrow. Then it's back on IS40 to continue the high speed dash to Tulsa.

Channan said...

How come you're updating in comments and not on the blog?